Sunday, February 7, 2021

Run Streak Day 500 - The Motivated Runner

What motivates you to run?

I’m always fascinated to hear the answer. Maybe it’s the warm and fuzzy endorphins, or the progress you make over time. It could be the good old-fashioned fitness benefits. I’ve been exploring this question for myself recently. Probably because people have been asking it of me when they find out about my streak. How do you stay motivated?


A year ago, I would have answered that it’s the setting and reaching of goals that keeps me motivated. Indeed throughout the years, I’ve only consistently run when I’ve had something to train for. I love racing, and I love the feeling of running my best. And so I signed up for race after race, giving me a reason to lace up my shoes each day.


As we all know, for the past year sanctioned races have been hard to come by. Still, I had other goals. I ran virtual races. And this running streak is in and of itself, a goal. When I reached 1 year (on our OG wedding date) I celebrated, and then set my sights on the next year ahead. 

I also had set another big goal at the start of the year: completing 2,020 miles in 2020. Of those 2,020, I ran 2,020 km (~1,255 miles) and for the remaining 765 miles, I did any other type of workout, where 20 minutes = 1 mile. (On average, that equated to about 24 miles plus 5 hours of other workouts per week). That goal definitely kept me motivated all year. And on December 31st, I reached mile 2,020!

So, I certainly still had goals to keep me motivated. Yet I’ve started to notice something else. Another form of motivation emerging from the undergrowth. Not in spite of the abnormalities of this year, but because of them. The pandemic and the lifestyle shift we’ve all undergone has brought some self-realizations to light.  For me, with fewer big things and events to focus on day after day, I’ve really come to appreciate the small things. So much so that they have started to inspire and motivate me. The feeling of sunlight on my skin and of air filling my lungs. The sight of clouds reflecting on the glass-smooth ocean. The flaming hues of autumn leaves. The crunch of snow or sand (sometimes both!) underfoot.


There are darker days too, where it’s the little things that demotivate me. The thought of putting on my mask for yet another run. The knowledge that I’ll undoubtedly have to dodge into the street repeatedly to avoid close contact with others. The frustration that runners no longer have a safe space, with the sidewalks full of walkers and the roads teeming with cars.


Yet, gradually the good small things have won out over the bad small things. Today, on my 500th day of running, I went out during a winter weather advisory. Maybe in small part because this pandemic has made me a little crazy, but in larger part because of the good small things. Snowflakes landing and melting on my face. Being acutely in tune with my slippery path. The transformation of a winter wonderland before my eyes.


Right now is an uncertain time. I don’t know what the months and years ahead will look like. Will there be more big goals and milestones to motivate me? I certainly hope so. And if not, that’s okay. I look forward to finding and being inspired by more of the good small things.